Friday, June 12, 2020

Facebook Final Project Case Study - 825 Words

Facebook Final Project Case Study (Essay Sample) Content: Final Project Case Study 2: Social Media and PrivacyName:Institution:IntroductionThe introduction of social media has made communication easier with Facebook being the social media with many users. One can freely interact with friends through secret messages or publicly share information on their Facebook walls. Facebook users are free to express their feelings without any regulation. I have a Facebook account too and more often when I am out of work I log into my Facebook account and chat with my colleagues. The social media experience has always kept my mind fresh and relaxed by sharing common issues with my friends whom we rarely meet (Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Bien Torres, 2012). In fact, Facebook platform is like a family because when one has a pressing issue, friends contribute ideas that quickly help to resolve the situation. However recently I have been very much concerned with the Facebook postings from one of my coworkers called John.My main concerns from the postingsI a m concerned with the careless postings on my friendà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Facebook page. My friend John has recently changed from sharing constructive ideas to criticizing what goes on in our organization. He is always complaining about the strict working conditions of our company and the low rates of remuneration being offered. I understand that our organization is still young and cannot afford to pay the high salary John expects; furthermore, the nature of our organizational activities is strict in terms of meeting clients' quality requirement and deadlines. I feel that Facebook is not the best forum to address such issues, but instead my colleague should forward such issues to the human resource director. My colleague has gone ahead to accuse our director general on his Facebook page for being a dictator. My friend John should understand that the director general is the figurehead of the organization and hence terming him a dictator on Facebook creates the perception that the organization is unfair in managing its affairs and hence puts the credibility of the entire firm in question (Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Bien Torres, 2012). The worst thing is that my colleague is using the office computer to make such careless postings.My decision on the IssueAlthough I am annoyed by what my colleague is doing, I will have to take measures that can help in solving the crisis. First I will unfriend my friend and inform him the reasons for doing so. Unfriending my coworker will communicate to him the seriousness of the matter. If we continue being Facebook friends, my friend will assume that I am supporting his careless postings, and hence it would be wise if I unfriended him (Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Bien Torres, 2012). After unfriending him, I will take the initiative of interrogating him to establish the reason for his weird behaviors on social media.My concern about the future of the organization is the driving force behind my decision. I will therefore, take more time to explain to my coworker the ne gative impacts his postings have on our organization. His complaints concerning the poor working conditions in our organization are dangerous to the future of our organization. Our organization deals with public relations and consultancy services. We help other business organizations to market their products through advertisements and sales promotion. The nature of our business requires good behavior from all employees to build a strong brand of the organization since our clients need to expand their sales and profit margin (Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Bien Torres, 2012). Furthermore, other organizations have trusted our firm with their delicate information and expect us to keep the information confidential since exposing it can be used to the advantage of their competitors.I am therefore concerned that his careless comments on Facebook will interfere with our organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s customer base. Many organizations would not risk entrusting their information to the organization whose employees are not professional in handling issues (Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Bien Torres, 2012). Apart from losing clients many potential professionals who read his posts would not want to work with the organization and that would deny our organization of quality workforce needed to drive it ahead.Reason...